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About Us
Our staff consists of Licensed BILINGUAL ATTORNEYS + SWORN LEGAL TRANSLATORS (issued by the Buenos Aires Bar Association (CPACF), Province of Buenos Aires Bar Associations, and the Buenos Aires Translators' Association (CTPCBA), with vast experience in their areas of expertise, providing services to the Americas and Europe, with a specialization in different areas of the law, such as Company, Employment, Succession, Commercial, Contract and Health- related Matters.
NOTARIES PUBLIC who certify documents as required by the USCIS for the submission of immigration cases, and those required for real estate investment purposes, both in person and remotely + REALTORS who offer comprehensive advice on property-related investment proyects, both in Argentina and U.S.A.
CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS with a remarkable career path and expertise in the field, with specializations in tax and accountings areas, such as preparation of Income Tax Returns, again, in Argentina and U.S.A.
What We Do
Our goal is to offer reliable INTEGRAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, with a focus on developing adequate action plans to meet your family or business needs, and maintain a good relationship based on cordial communications, high-level performance, respect, and strict confidentiality.
Our LEGAL ENGLISH Training Corses are designed for LAWYERS AND STUDENTS OF LAW who are willing to excell in their specialization areas and remarkably enhance their command of technical language at consistent levels, adopting the neccesarry tools to launch their careers overseas and developing great confidence as they work on professional areas in another language.
We also provide BILINGUAL TALENT ACQUISITION ASSESSMENT SERVICES for Law Firms and Companies conducting searches aimed at selecting the best possible resources available who meet key required positions, such as bilingual attorneys with a specialization in a certain area of the law, virtual assistants and paralegals. We also conduct Legal English Assessments and/ or Legal English Training Courses that each candidate has an excellent command of legal terminology and expected skills.
Together with our STRATEGIC PARTNERS, we introduce you to investment opportunities in Real Estate and the U.S. Stock Market through an LLC formation (Limited Liability Company) in Argentina or abroad..
Valeria Luna, Certified Public Accountant
Marina M. Onnainty, Attorney-at-Law
M. Sol Perez Carrasso, Attorney-at-Law
Natalia Luna Vásquez, , Attorney-at-Law & Sworn Legal Translator
Julio R. Aramayo Vásquez, Attorney-at-Law
Audiovisual Director: Mariano Luna
Digital Drawing: TheCreativities.2
Graphics and Product Designer: Rita Castagno
"I was delighted to take legal English classes with Natalia and to successfully pass the ILEC examination under her tutoring. I strongly recommend her as certified translator as well, specially concerning business and legal documents."
Gastón Insaurraga
Tax & Legal Lawyer at Lawyer at CROZ
"Natalia Luna es una excelente profesional, que sabe entender perfectamente que es lo que el cliente necesita y espera. Es una persona muy amable, expeditiva, intuitiva y de sólidos conocimientos. Es un placer trabajar con ella y su equipo de trabajo."
Maria Mercedes Rivero
Legal and Compliance Director, Nike Distributor
"Muy profesional, con gran velocidad de respuesta y de entrega de los trabajos encomendados."
Osvaldo Omar Barsanti
Socio, Arias y Barsanti Abogados
"Natalia es una personal brillante y cordial, lo que la convierte en una profesional de primera línea: eficiente, confiable y de gran calidad. Trabajar con ella es sinónimo de respuesta.
Compartimos juntos una gran variedad de proyectos y, en todos ellos, colaboramos de manera excelente y tuve de su parte la mejor disposición y capacidad esperable. Sin dudas, es una profesional para tener en cuenta."
Damian Santilli
Director de la Maestría en Nuevas Tecnologías de la Traducción, Localización y TAVDirector
"I am pleased to recommend Natalia Luna for her outstanding work as a Sworn Translator and Legal English Professor. Over the years, Natalia has consistently demonstrated exceptional skills in translation, combining her deep linguistic knowledge with a keen understanding of cuttural nuances. Her ability to convey complex concepts accurately and clearly makes her an invaluable asset to any team.
In her role as Legal English Professor, Natalia excels in delivering engaging and informative lessons that inspire her students. Her teaching methods are both innovative and effective, fostering a learning environment where her students feel supported and motivated to succeed.. Her passion for languages and commitment to education are evident in her interactions with students and colleagues alike.
Natalia is a dedicated professional whose expertise and enthusiasm make her highly recommended for any role involving translation or education. I am confident that she will continue to excel and make signficant contributions in her field."
Mario Covarrubias Jurado
Senior Litigation Attorney, Garrido Law Firm
"Natalia is a highly skilled and experienced professional with a proven track record of success. She is a bilingual speaker of English and Spanish, and she has a deep understanding of both cultures. Natalia is also a highly motivated and results-oriented individual who is always willing to go the extra mile.
I had the pleasure of working with Natalia on several projects, and I was always impressed by her professionalism, dedication, and commitment to excellence. She is a valuable asset to any team, and I highly recommend her for any position."
Diego Sebastian Pinelli
Presidente en Asociación Cooperadora | Compromiso con la Educación.
"We are a bilingual consulting company based in Buenos Aires so need a Translation company that is fast acurate and reasonably priced. Natalia's company is all of the above."
Geoffrey Mc Rae
Presidente, Gateway to South America
"Tuve la oportunidad de tomar clases de inglés jurídico con Natalia en su instituto, siendo ello una experiencia de calidad atento al conocimiento con el que ella cuenta. Por ello es que recomiendo activamente a ella y su instituto para tomar clases de inglés jurídicas o no y perfeccionar el idioma inglés."
Carolina Coler
Abogada en Dirección General de Asuntos Jurídicos
"Natalia ha realizado la traducción de un contrato del español al inglés de manera profesional, entregándolo puntualmente. Es además una persona de confianza, consistente, y trabajadora."
Augusto Meijide
Responsable de la calidad de la experiencia del visitante, Fundación Temaikèn.
"Natalia is an amazing team player and a professional who performs at high levels consistently. Working side by side I enjoyed her cheerfulness and dedication to our team, she proved to be an effective leader with skills such as attention to detail, calm under pressure and persistence.
I would trust anything to her knowing she will make it happen."
Dario Aguero
Professional Problem Solver
"Recomendar a la Dra. Natalia Luna no fue una tarea sencilla: al pensar en volcar en palabras sus recursos, sentí que mi recomendación podía parecer un espacio publicitario. Porque la considero una profesional y emprendedora veloz, muy veloz, lo que le permite ir un paso más, ver más allá, cuando otros todavía no tomaron la decisión de moverse. Flexible, así como absolutamente motivada y motivadora, curiosa, abierta a nuevos y permanentes aprendizajes, alegre, muy positiva, perseverante y con alta autoexigencia en estándares de calidad. Agradezco haberla conocido en el Colegio de Traductores Públicos y que me haya elegido como coach de sus entrenamientos y su equipo, para alcanzar excelencia en su desempeño profesional." .
Ana Kenny
Founder, AKnet Comunicación & Comportamiento
"La Dra. Natalia Luna es una excelente profesional y la conocí seleccionándola entre varios colegas de su área de acuerdo a su alta competencia. Es por sobre todo muy expeditiva con los trabajos y entiende rápidamente la necesidad del cliente. Tiene un perfil difícil de encontrar pues confluye dos profesiones, de abogada y traductora de manera muy práctica y precisa. En su faz personal es muy amable, directa y cumple con su palabra."